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A Retirement Plan Should Make It Easier to Retire, Not Harder.

Picking the right retirement provider for your business is more important today than ever before. The Strive Pooled Employer Plan (PEP) offers access to a wide array of investment products, including the full suite of Strive products that share one consistent theme: always prioritizing the actual shareholders, who are your employees in a 401(k) plan.

Inquire to learn more about the Strive PEP and give your employees the benefit of a shareholder-focused asset manager.

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Putting your employees and company first

Many large asset managers support stakeholder focused policies and deprioritize the shareholder — potentially impacting both your employees’ financial returns and your businesses as a whole.

The Strive PEP lets businesses, small to large, offer a 401(k) plan to their employees that partners retirement industry service providers — who boast over 150 years of combined experience —with Strive’s investment philosophy of prioritizing shareholder value maximization.

Business owners can be assured that we only use our voice and vote to advocate for shareholders — not to push agendas that can destroy value by adding unnecessary costs that may trickle down to them.

Passion Meets

Strive CEO Matt Cole began his career at CalPERS with a purpose: protect the retirement his parents had worked so hard for. He has since made it his life’s mission to help fix the retirement crisis for both his parents and the millions of Americans without a secure retirement.

Strive PEP Benefits

Reduced Fiduciary Responsibility

Reduced Administrative Burden

Plan Design Flexibility

Potential Cost Savings

  • Nearly all fiduciary responsibility is outsourced to the partners administering the PEP inclusive (inclusive of the investment selection and monitoring).
  • Removes Form 5500 filings and plan audits for adopting employers
  • Payroll integration to streamline manual efforts
  • Manages loan and withdrawal approval, participant notices, employer contribution monitoring, and almost all other typical plan sponsor responsibilities
  • Each adopting employer determines their own plan design inclusive of vesting provisions, employer matching, and contribution levels
  • Economies of scale can result when more employers join the PEP
  • Annual audit expense can be reduced — If a plan is large enough to require an audit, the PEP spreads the cost of the independent audit across all the adopting employers
  • Cost displacement on compliance testing, participant notice distribution, and document preparation expenses
  • Tax credit opportunities up to three years and up to 100% of eligible start-up costs

Reduced Fiduciary Responsibility

  • Nearly all fiduciary responsibility is outsourced to the partners administering the PEP inclusive (inclusive of the investment selection and monitoring).

Reduced Administrative Burden

  • Removes Form 5500 filings and plan audits for adopting employers
  • Payroll integration to streamline manual efforts
  • Manages loan and withdrawal approval, participant notices, employer contribution monitoring, and almost all other typical plan sponsor responsibilities

Plan Design Flexibility

  • Each adopting employer determines their own plan design inclusive of vesting provisions, employer matching, and contribution levels

Potential Cost Savings

  • Economies of scale can result when more employers join the PEP
  • Annual audit expense can be reduced — If a plan is large enough to require an audit, the PEP spreads the cost of the independent audit across all the adopting employers
  • Cost displacement on compliance testing, participant notice distribution, and document preparation expenses
  • Tax credit opportunities up to three years and up to 100% of eligible start-up costs

Strive PEP Partners

American TCS

How Stakeholder Capitalism Negatively Impacts Private Companies

In addition to potentially suppressing financial returns of employees’ investment accounts (see our Shareholders vs Stakeholders page to learn more), support for stakeholder capitalism can negatively impact companies of all sizes, regardless of if they are public or private, in several ways.

Creating Costly

Initiatives like costly Scope 3 emissions reporting and reduction, which have received support from the largest asset managers, go both beyond the law and the walls of the companies that pass these proposals. It impacts the entire supply chain, as small- and medium-sized companies who work with these larger public companies are then required to take on the added costs or risk losing contracts.

Setting Unachievable

Another frequent stakeholder-focused proposal that yields a similar trickle-down result is requiring private companies to reach set hiring quotas based on immutable characteristics, which can be costly and are often unachievable.

Curbing Access to Capital

Additionally, many stakeholder-pushing firms have supported proposals that allow for debanking and restricting capital to companies based solely on their industry, not the credit risk of the business.

Learn more about Strive

If you are a business owner or human resources representative who would like to learn more about the Strive PEP for your company, complete the form.